How much time is required to install VENSI Ventilator?
It generally takes only 30 mins to install VENSI ventilator.
Where can I get the user manual for VENSI Ventilator?
VENSI has a on screen guide which works as operation manual too, A softcopy/hardcopy of user manual is also provided during the installation.
Is there any quick guide?
Yes a quick guide is also provided during Installation, it is recommanded to be hanging to the ventilator stand all the time.
Do I need a compressor or High pressure air connection to operate the ventilator?
No, VENSI devices have in built turbine, and they don't need any external air source for operation.
Do I need external UPS for VENIS?
Yes, It is recommanded to use UPS at site, specially if the voltage fluctuations are frequent.
What is breathing cassette?
Breathing cassette is an integrated unit which consists of Inspiratory, Expiratory ports, sterlization monitoring syste, flow sensor and safty vave assembly
It is recommanded to have two breathing cassette with each machine, so that one unit can be sterlized while another is being used.
Can I use VENSI without breathing cassette?
No, Most of the important pneumatic parts are integrated in the breathing cassette, and VENSI can not be operated without this.
Is breathing cassette reusable?
Yes, Breathing cassette is completely autoclavable, and can be sterlized in high temperature, and after autoclave it can be reused again.
How many times can I reuse the breathing cassette?
It can be reused for 300 autoclave cycles.
How frequent shoult it be sterlized ?
It is recommended to be sterlized before use on every new patient.
What if I don't sterlize the breathing cassette?
It is strongly recommended to sterlize the cassette after every patient,
incase it is not sterlized properly the machine will register it in its record
and the data log will be visible along with the alerts for the sterlization.
Will the machine stop working if the cassette is not sterlized?
No, Machine will work, but will keep on repiting the alarm for sterlization status.
What are other consumables and accesories required for the operation?
it is neccsarry to ensure that the machine had HEPA Filter, Breathing circuit, O2 sensor to ensure the operations of VENSI ventilator.
Can I use VENSI in transport?
VENSI can be used in intrahospital transport.
Can I use VENSI ventilator in MRI?
No, It is not recommanded to be used near MRI machine.
How much battery backup VENSI has?
VENSI with one battery which comes as standard has a battery backup of 120 minutes. But with Dual battery the back up is upto 240 minutes.
Who do I contact if I have technical or clinical questions about my VENSI ventilator?
Call us on 000000000000 or Write to us on service(at)